Newton's 1st Law states that an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. This relates to my Newton scooter because if the balloon did not move it would stay at rest. If there was no unbalanced force (friction) then the straw would keep sliding along the string until it hit another unbalanced force fluid friction (air). Newton's 3rd Law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This relates to my Newton scooter because the air blowing out of the straw connected to the balloon was its reaction, and the balloon moving the opposite direction was its action. I had difficulty figuring out how I was going to make the "car" with out adding to much weight to make it hard to move. Towards the end I saw a lot of people using this easy and simple way to make a Newton car, so i thought I would experiment with it and it ended up being my final attempt (look at the picture above). I would change my thought process: Maybe next time I would spend more time thinking about the fast and easy way to make something travel and less time spent thinking about how big or fancy it should be. My favorite part about my scooter is that it's easy to build, has no wheels, and the colors are intriguing at first glance.
By Maya S. Burris