I had multiple challenges while creating a working Newton Car. First, all the models I had sketched or planned out did not work. This caused me to have to start from scratch every single time I tried a new car idea. I overcame this challenge by looking up more ideas online and using my knowlege from my failed cars to make new ones. The next challenge I had was every time I would work hard on a new idea or car it would not work. This caused me to become very frusterated because I was out of ideas. To overcome this hard challenge I would spend a long time on one model that didnt work at first, instead of starting over and over on everything if it didn't move. Something I would still like to fix about my model is to make it more sturdy and tough. My car is quite fragile so they wheels would fall off alot and I would have to re-put them on. But, other then that I am pretty pleased with my car. My car relates to Newton's 1st law because it states an object at rest will stay at rest untill acted on by an unbalanced force. My car was still at rest untill the unbalanced force which was the air escaping from the deflating balloon reacted on it. This caused the car to move forcefully forward. My scooter relates to Newton's 3rd law because the 3rd law states that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.The first reaction/action was the air leaving the balloon and the equal and opposite was the car moving forward. My favorite part of my car is the base because it is made out of a berry basket and I think that it really cool and creative. -By Natalie D Block
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