Newton's 1st Law: An object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts on it. This law relates to my newton scooter because my newton scooter will stay in motion unless gravity, friction, or any unbalanced force acts on it to make it stop. Also, my scooter will not move unless an unbalanced force pushes it. If my newton scooter did not have the balloon to move it, it wouldn't move at all. Newton's 3rd law: Force always occur in equal opposite parts. This relates to my scooter because when you let the air out of the balloon, (the force that moves my scooter) the scooter will go in the opposite direction the air is pushing out of the balloon because the air is propelling the scooter forward. One challenge I faced was getting the scooter to actually move, one way I solved this was by changing the wheels. Another way I solved this, was I figured out that when the balloon was touching the ground, the scooter wouldn't move. I solved this problem by making a higher surface to put the balloon on so that it wouldn't touch the ground. Since my scooter works perfectly fine, the only thing that I would want to fix at this point is maybe making it more colorful. Also, I would like to try different designs like a rubber band scooter or a mouse trap scooter. My favorite part of my scooter is all of it because it is so much fun to watch it move when all I had to do is blow up the balloon and let go of it! :)
By: Holly
By: Holly
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