I looked on line and found three ideas. I tried the rubber band idea I found at http://www.ehow.com/how_5652914_make-newton_s-scooter.htmln where you make a rubber band triangle and coins and cut the string when want it to start up but it didn’t give that much of a explanation. I tried it and Caroline gave me an awesome idea for wheels where you use two CD’s and to connect them put three straws threw the hole in the middle. Caroline suggested that I put straws inside the straws to make it stronger. I used to of those that I glued to the front and back of The Newton Car so I had four wheels. When I tested The Newton Car wouldn’t move at all so I went back to square A and decided to make a balloon car like the one in my sketch. I found this idea at http://www.ehow.com/way_5569847_newton-scooter-instructions.html At first I attached a balloon to a the square block and wheels I had in my first Newton Car but I soon discovered that the block was way to heavy for a balloon and when the wheels were attached to the block the wheels wouldn’t move. The four wheels were rubbing together and not moving. I decided to detach the wheels from the block and have a simple design were I would only have two wheels and attach the balloon onto the straws or wheels. When I tried this it was light enough but since the balloon was attached to the balloon so the balloon would spin with the wheels. I discovered I would need a body for The Newton Scooter but light enough that that the balloon would be able to carry it’s wait. I tried many things such as paper, stiraphome and a duck tape block but nothing seemed to work. Finally I saw grace had used a strawberry basket. I used that idea and cut holes for the wheels to go through but that didn’t work then I realized the wheels needed more room to spin so I cut out the whole sides. Then the basket was hitting the floor. I had to leave some of the basket in the top so it would stay in place. I taped the balloon to the top of the basket through the inside and It finally worked. I had a Newton Scooter.Newtons 3rd law(every object has a equal and opposite reaction) relates to my newton scooter because as I Blew up the balloon attached to my newton car and the reaction was that it rolled forward.The air in the balloon pushes it forward and if there is a light enough vehicle attached, the wheels roll nicely and the balloon doesn't touch the ground newtons 3rd law should make your newton car move.Newtons 1st law(things keep moving when there still they still they stay still) relates to my newton car in many ways.When I blow air into the balloon it stays still because there is no reason to propel it forward.When i let go the air propels it forward and so it moves.When the balloon runs out of air and unbalanced force stops the newton car.I love my newton car but I got a lot of ideas from people so next time i want my car to be more unique. I also want to find a way for it to move longer period of time and faster.That would happen if the wheels had less friction against the floor.My favorite part about my newton car is the wheels. They are made out of CD's and have three straws in the inner whole attaching them to an other wheel.I have four wheels.
By: Sophia Schneidman
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