Newton's Law Number 1 states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force acts on it. This relates to my newton car because at first my car didn't move because the force of the air coming out of the balloon was the same or over powered by the force of friction. When I made it lighter then force of friction was smaller than the force of the air so the force of the air became an unbalanced force. Newton's Law Number 3 states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. My Newton Scooter had the action of the air from the balloon backwards and the equal reaction of the scooter going forwards. One of the challenges of making my newton scooter was that the wheels didn't go straight. When I got it to move straight with washers the scooter didn't work because the washers put too much weight on the car. I finally redesigned my scooter coping someone else's idea for wheels and body of the scooter. Their idea had a very light scooter with axels that turned with the wheels. I would still like to fix the fact that it doesn't have much force. But balloons don't have much force so I think I would have to change what my scooter is powered by. My favorite part of the scooter is its wheels because I spent so much time on them.
By Jenna
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