The Newton car relates to Newton's first law because the first law states that things at rest stays at rest and something in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an unbalanced force. And my Newton car stays at rest, but when my balloon is releases air (the unbalanced force) it caused my Newton car to move. The Newton car also relates to the third law because the third states for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. And the balloon on my car released air to push the car one way. The action was the air leaving the balloon and the reaction was the car moving forward. There have been a lot of challenges throughout the project. At first I couldn't get the car to move. I thought it was the car being to heavy, but it turned out to be the wheels. I thought the wheels weren't smooth enough, but it was the wheel and the rubber band. The rubber band was rubbing against the wheels. I had to change the rubber bands with a smoother material. Another challenge was when the car started to move but it went in circles. I realized that the wheels (again) where to close to my car. And the holes in the center weren't the same size. I had to change the hole in the center and to loosen the wheels.
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