1. Add Photo- Label action/ reaction on photo including arrows to show the direction
2. Videos
3. Type a paragraph including:
-Newton’s 1st law and how it relates to your scooter
-Newton’s 3rd law and how it relates to your scooter
-Challenges and how you overcame them
-What you still would like to fix
-Favorite part of scooter
-By (your name)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Rachel Soong's Unrelenting Newton Scooter
Newton's 1st law states that an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. This law relates to my scooter because it won't move unless the force of the spring on the mouse trap exerts force on the axel of my car, which causes the wheels to start spinning. Newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This relates to my scooter because when my scooter's wheels push against the floor the floor pushes back with an equal and opposite force. While building my Newton scooter, I faced many challenges. The first one was when I was trying to screw the fish-eye hooks into the mousetrap, the sides of the mousetrap would crack and the hooks would fall out. So, I had to be very careful to screw them exactly in the middle of the trap's ends. My second challenge was to keep the wheels from spinning in place. To solve that problem, I put tape on the circumference of the CDs to create friction so the wheels would not spin in place. Another challenge was attaching the CDs to my straws so they could move. At first I used rubber bands, but the CDs kept slipping off. So, I decided to glue another straw to the straw that was holding the CDs, to keep the CDs from sliding off. My final challenge was getting the wheels to spin by themselves. To solve this problem, I hot glued a chopstick to the side of the U-shaped metal thing on the mousetrap and tied one end of a string to it. I then wound the other side of the string to the straw that was attached to the wheels. I would like to fix my scooter so it can go straight every time I test it. I would also like to secure the wheels on my scooter. My favorite part of my scooter is the chopstick I attached the the mousetrap. Because it not only pulls the string connected to the axel further, but it also sets my scooter apart from everyone else's.
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