Monday, January 16, 2012

Hanna's Newton Car :D

Newton's 1st Law states that an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. This law relates to my newton car because if you roll up the sticks, the rubber bands will wrap around the sticks and if you don't let go, it will stay at rest. If you let go, it will stay in motion but it will eventually stop due to friction between the wheels and the floor. Newton's 3rd Law states that for every action there is a reaction. When you roll the sticks so the rubber bands wrap tightly around them (action) and let go, the sticks will unwind and since there are wheels on the end of the sticks the car will move (reaction.) I experienced many problems and I faced many challenges. In order to make my car go, a rubber band is tied to a skewer and clipped to the other side of the box. In the video I used to build my car ( they only did that once and when I rolled the skewer and let go, it didn’t have enough power to go forward, it would just unroll very fast and go about two inches forward. I then did the same thing and tied another rubber band to the other skewer so both wheels would go. I rolled both skewers until it couldn’t roll any longer and let go and the car went very fast! I was so excited and it traveled about three to four meters. Another challenge I faced was when the car would go, the skewers would slide, side to side so to fix this problem I taped a little bit after when the tape pierced the box (on each side) so the skewers would be isolated in one area. Also, the wheels are made of very thin cardboard so they would bend side to side and become weak, so I would have to replace them frequently. To solve this problem, I fastened them with duct tape so they wouldn't move side to side any longer

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