Thursday, February 2, 2012

Charlotte Q's Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious Fantastical Newton Car

         Newton's first law (Inertia) relates to my Newton scooter because the car stayed at rest until the unbalanced force (the air & reaction) propelled it forward. Even after the air deflated from the balloon, inertia kept it going until friction slowed it down. Newton's third law (Action-Reaction) relates to my car because the action- air releasing from the balloon- caused the equal and opposite reaction of forward motion.  My main difficulty was that my first set of wheels weren't completely round, causing them to roll unevenly and slow the car down. I also had problems with my balloon, because when blowing it up too big it dragged on the ground and affected the car's direction and movement. If I could fix one thing about my car, it would be the wheels. Although they moved, they still caused some friction from their rough edges, and the cars with CD wheels seemed to move faster and more smoothly. My favorite part of my Newton car is my base because I spent 1 1/2 classes cutting the wood. I am proud of my Newton scooter, even though it didn't turn out exactly as I had imagined.
-Charlotte Quinn

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